Monday, September 29, 2008
Did you know today is the day of ñoquis?? yum...
hi everyone, hope you had a good weekend! mine was very full. On friday i went shopping with the girl from tailand (not sure if you remember her name is natnapin, aka nat). i bought a skirt and cute shirt and i also bought my costume for my dance class. later we were going to go to a bar, but we just stayed in the house with mariano and his friends. The house was very empty without guillermo, and gustavo is always at his dads house so it was just me and mariano the whole weekend. on saturday i went out with mariano and his friends again, we went to a party with nat and kids from her school and then we went to little bar. i had a lot of fun. mostly because the kids in my class (the girls) dont really talk to me, or if they do they dont have nice things to say, and all the boys try to kiss me! its nice having brothers who have good friends. sunday i spent recovering sleep and studying, for me sundays and tuesdays are the worst days of the week: sunday is like a traditional argentinean lets-not-do-anything day, i mean you literally do NOTHING. tuesday is another terrible day, worse than monday, because i go to school from 7:45 to 12 and then 1:30 to 5! its horrendous. right after that i have my dance class, so tuesday is always a full day. and of course tuesday is always the day that guilllermo´s friends come over and have mate, which i love to be a part of mate rounds (its so much fun), but im literally in my house for 15 minutes and then i have to go. ahhh and on saturday i spent the whole morning with my mom at the hair salon!! i got blonde highlights and different shade of brown. it was really fun, although i must say the salons here a little bit more carefree when it comes to scrubbing the shampoo out of your head or plastering on the hair dye. mariano undid the other dreadlock he gave me and now is insisting on giving me number three. the problem is i, unlike 3 members of my family, shower everyday, and that just doesnt work with dreadlocks you know? tomorrow im expecting my package, finally! i cant wait. i think culture shock is starting to hit me as well, which isnt very pleasant. oh dear, its time for the boys to go to gym, WWE smackdown. i will talk to you all later................
Thursday, September 25, 2008
forgot about my blog...

sorry for the delayed response..totally forgot to update...well right now my life is full of tests, which arent that difficult, but its a lot of work for me because i have to translate all of the notes into english and then make sample questions for me to get a good grade. anyways, saturday my mom had an asado at our house to celebrate spring, i didnt go out because i was tired, and truthfully a little afraid of the drunks. haha. this week has been a lot of fighting between my brothers and my mom because guillermo has around 50 faltas from school (absences), your only allowed 15 a year-mariano has 25. guillermo is determined to continue miss gym and his contraturno (classes in the afternoon). yesterday he went to gym, the first time he has gone since i´ve been here. he wasnt very happy. what going to the hair salon with my mom soon, i also might go back to rosario and stay with my counselor for the weekend. its really pretty there. well, i added a picture of my house so that everyone can see!!! its really cute. yesterday i made persian food for my family and ithink they really liked it! well, i dont have much more to say, until next time.
Friday, September 19, 2008
spring has arrived and is in full bloom...
Finally, spring has come, and it seems like the whole world has come out of hibernation to celebrate. Today I was the spring festival at school, and although i did have to parade around like a dancing monkey in heels, i actually had a lot of fun, except for the fact that i was taller than the king but oh well. I also played a game called the orange game, its where two people have to hold an orange on a certain part of their body and then they have to dance together without making the orange fall. For example, we had to put the orange on each others foreheads while we danced. it was really embarrassing but fun. then i got ready for the king and queen thingy. i didnt win Reina de la primavera or princess, but i did get miss simpatia, which i think is just a sympathy prize because im an extranjera-haha. after i went to the plaza with my friends and looked at the sea of people that gathered in the plaza for all the fun festivities. everyone dresses up in bright colors and it was really fun. i just got back from my friends house, we drank mate and ate pastries and such. at seven my dance class is going to perform at the shopping center, i wont be in it because i recently joined and i didnt have time to learn the dance, but i will be performing on New Years! Anyway, this whole weekend should be one HUGE joda (party). People are going to get crazy.....hopefully not too crazy....
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
hi everyone...i just received the news that although no one leaves me comments (hint hint) a lot of people are "following" me through my blogs. :) so i decided to write one today since i haven´t written in a week and im sure everyone is just ANXIOUSLY awaiting another update on life in the unkown....well friday is the big dia de la primavera, hip hooray. The king is insisting that he is not going to school that day for the party, which means I won´t have to be queen, not quite sure how i feel about that, on one hand im relieved that i dont have to embarrass myself and on the other i kind of want the experience! Today I went to the WalMart of Argentina with Mariano, my grandma, and my mother. It was really fun, especially because I didnt have to go to school in the afternoon. My mom made a big purchase, a table and chairs with a huge green umbrella for the patio! we just finished constructing it. Did I mention we have an orange tree in our backyard? its in full bloom and it smells wonderful. Now that its getting nicer out i spend a lot of time on the roof looking at the stars and drinking terere, which is mate (look it up if you dont know what it is) but instead of hot water you put juice. Its delicious. My brother gave me another dreadlock yesterday.....on saturday im going to the hair salon with my mother to see if i can get extensions.....very excited! Other than these small things there is talk in the house of me possibly enlogating my stay....mommy???? :) Guillermo wants me to write in English right now so i am doing it. he always wants to learn new words and sometimes when i cant find the word he says that the "yankees have a very poor dictionary" which im starting to believe is true myself. do you KNOW how many swear words you can conjure up in this language?!?! its never ending....everyone always asks me to translate and there is no english translation!! hahaha...more of an enrichment to my already colorful spanish vocabulary. well, other than that nothing has been going is school. never want to go, not like we do anything anyways. today my teacher didnt come for one class sooo yeah. i think guillermo just got mad that i put that we dont do anything but its true. okay well i should go now...
Wednesday, September 10, 2008

just some pictures to show you all......nothing has been happening...just school, school, more school, i went to science fair with the school yesterday, actually we drank mate in the plaza right outside....just busy with SCHOOl and my dance class...and learning how to play the guitar..thanks to my brother guillo :) anyway the pictures are from rosario, from the roof of my house, and óther random things...and now i have a million pictures of my friends from school because the stole my camera at the science fair and took about 80 pictures of themselves...i must say the argentinean pose for girls is quite amusing...see what you think about it..i cant stop laughing.......
Friday, September 5, 2008
lots of little things to tell...
WELL to start this off I would like to tell a story....I am sitting in class quietly doing an activity, not really paying attention to anyone around me. My friend Dai is at the chalkboard yelling and writing something and all of a sudden I hear my name. So I turn around to see whats going on only for her to tell me that I´ve been elected by my classmates as "Reina de la Primavera" which means Queen of Spring. So I´m like, what the heck is that? If you remember the spring festival i was talking about before, each grade elects a queen and a king and basically the girls get all prettty in dresses and stuff and parade around in front of the whole school (which is only about 300 people but still) and then they make you DANCE; cumbia, cuarteto, reggeton, the whole nine yards. THen they elect one king and one queen to be the real royalty of Primavera. So this should be just swell. The king is someone we call Perrito (Mariano). he has a huge crush on me. :/ anyways, what more should i tell. Today I am going to Rosario with my family. Tomorrow is the AFS meeting. Yesterday Mariano(bro) and Guillermo got really excited about shooting "targets" meaning me, with the air gun. It was just wonderful. OHH yes and I started a dance class!! I went last night, I had so much fun! and it felt really good to exercise, since i havent done any since i arrived here! I met a lot of nice girls at the dance class who are completely OBSESSED with the United States. They asked me to say United States in english about 8 thousand times. oh and they dreadlock has unraveled but that chunk of hair is all burnt and crispy now so i really dont know what im going to do about that. Oh and mom, my package is on major delay. Yesterday I had to go to the post office to sign something so that they could ship it over to Venado Tuerto....another 15 to 20 days they said. Welll thats all for now.......chauuu
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Brothers drive you up the WALL
Hello. Once again, nothing interesting has been happening. There is no more "paro" so this week was a full one. Only my second full week since I´ve been here. From what I´ve heard people back in Minnesota are also starting school this week. So now we´re all in the same boat, except for they dont have to wear a uniform and they are probably doing more productive things than copying from a book in every class. Anyways, the weather here is getting really nice..spring is coming! Everyone at school is getting really excited for the first day of spring festival that we have at school (i swear for every little tiny thing we dont have class), and my classmates and I are making t shirts to represent 4th year natural sciences. Woohoo. This coming saturday I´m going to Rosario, kind of like the Buenos Aires of my province, for an AFS reunion. Yipee. Last SAturday I went to Soñado, which is like bar, and then also to Base again with the girl from Thailand and her friends. I had a ton of fun. Got home at 7 in the morning, but still had fun. On Monday Guillermo´s friend Coco came over and he took some really amazing pictures from the roof of my house. Just thought you might want a taste of what Venado Tuerto looks like from up above. YOu can also see (and hear) the amusement park from the roof. That picture was taken by Gustavo. Enjoy. Actually, I can´t find the pictures right now so I´ll upload them later. Going to my dad´s house with Gustavo and Guillermo.
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