Thursday, February 26, 2009
VENI VENI, subite a mi gilera
hola. i dont know what to say. because i talked so much in the last blog. today is thursday. this has been the most boringweek of my life. these past few mornings ive been getting up and walking around centro without cause. mybuddy milco, a boy from senegal who calls me his sister and sells jewelry in centro, came back from his vacation so ive been spending the mornings with him drinking mate. i actually enjoy myself. rocio has been working a lot, so i havent been able tosee her much in the afternoon. although yesterday she came overand we sun tanned and then went to the plaza for a bit. oh and yesterday was one month with maxi and he wrote me a letter andall thatgushy stuff. sorry i just had to throw it in there. my bellybutton isdoing well if you all arewondering, but idont know where everyone got the idea that the eyebrow thing is that BAD. oh well. anyway, tomorrow, REYES DEL CUARTETOOO!!! actually its saturday. tomorrow i might go to aNEW bar, which would be totally exciting because ive only been to the places here, except for when i went to mar del plata. tomorrow is brians birthday, so i have to spend the whole day with him. have to, haha. i mean, WANT TO. after i finish this blog im going to rocios house and were making burgers. thursdaytradition, because her mom has a jehovahs witness meeting so we dont have her rompiendonos las bolas. not gonna translatethat. well, nothing new. sorry for the boringness. :( thanks for responding to the pics.ok.bye
Monday, February 23, 2009
WELL only two weeks until school starts...sadly 4 of my classmates have decided not to go to school anymore and work instead, about 6 more are getting held back SO, we´re basically about 10 girls this year. should be just a blast. :/ anyways, other than school starting, ive been busying myself these last few days being spontaneous and living life like they say you should in the movie The Secret. So on thursday Rocio went with me to get my bellybutton pierced. :) yes, i did it. thank you very much. i like it too. and its really easy to take care of. so anywho, what else, on thursday it was SO HOT it was unbearable like literally everyone was cooking on the inside,,,then the whole weekend it poured raining and today was a beautiful day with a breeze and everything. so on saturday i went over to maxis house to eat :) it was a lot of fun, and i washed the dishes after for an extra touch. and then we watched movies with his brother and drew pictures, and i do have to say, i may very well be the worst drawer in the world, besides shelly of course, but i think maxi pretty much beats me and shelly combined. :) then rocio and i went out, although it was raining and FREEZING, we went to "El Raza" a gas station thats right by el soñado and where everyone goes when el soñado doesnt open, like saturday. so anyway, brian, rocio, and i and two of rocios friends hung out there which was really fun until 4 AM when we went to BASE which was also really fun! so i had a great weekend. a different club is going to be opening soon, called Francis, and BASE will be closing. yesterday was gustavo, my youngest brothers birthday. and he wanted me to wake up at 12 to go to his dads house to celebrate his birthday. and im like, dude, happy birthday and all but i got home at 8 in themorning. so he got really upset and all that but oh well. he made me cry on my birthday so i think we´re even. so then i wrote him a letter and i went to centro with maxi, rocio, and rocios almost boyfriend mosca (mosca means the bug fly in spanish because he has a fly face) hahahahaahahahahaha. the worst part is she used to have a thing with a guy named rata because he has a rat face! hahahahahahah she has a thing for animals. :) oh and my grandma came back to visit us for 4 days!!!! so FINALLY i get four days of good food. :) but then shes going back to buenos aires because its my cousins birthday on thursday. my grandma still doesnt know if shes going to get a house here in venado or if she will stay in buenos aires, but she knows she is definitely not going to come back to our house. dont blame here, shes been here for a day and half and shes already trampled. okay, thats enough info for now. chauu OH I FORGOT TO TELL YOU ALL, so here in a town nearby called Arias they have a carnival in the month of january, and really famous cuarteto bands go and girls dressed in metal contraptions dance and all that, i couldnt go because my 6 months hadnt expired so i could go with rocio without my mom, so i was really bummed. but this weekend the carnival is coming HERE!!!!!!! and LOS REYES DEL CUARTETO are going to play!!!!!!!!!!! i know this means nothing to you but i LOVE los reyes del cuarteto ok nothing more bye
Thursday, February 19, 2009
everyone has to see "the secret"
ok so on sunday when the whole world does nothing i watched the most AMAZING film ever called the secret. im not gonna explain totally what its about but basically about the power of the human mind and how we are capable of getting everything we want just using our mind. so now im totally into this movie and being happy and using my mind to do things. so im like, ok im gonna try this out. so my brothers cigarrette smoke was blowing into my face so i closed my eyes and pictured a wind that was blowing the smoke in the other direction. and when i opened my eyes it was going in the other direction! so then i started to think, maybe ive been using this secret before. so the whole idea is you have to really believe that whatever it may be that you want is already yours. so, i started to think. when i was 10 years old i would have daydreams about living in argentina, but it was so real it was like i already had a life there. and im here! creepy things like that. so anyways, WATCH THE MOVIE. oh and a very happy birthday to my grandpa who turned 167 on sunday, ready to croke but keeps on going! :) oh and today im going to get my birthday piercing!! :) :) :) super excited. hmm what else, my brothers are starting to have to go to school to take the make up tests for the subjects they failed. mariano failed 8. and he didnt go to take the test today and my mom was just furious. so now shes saying that he has to go live with his dad. oh boy. well, i believe i will go now. im going to make alfajores because i want to and it makes me happy :) saludos, chauuu
Monday, February 16, 2009
hello. saturday i had my birthday party at maxis house. took lots of pics, dont worry. well my day started when i had to go WALKING 10 blocks to pick up the cake and then another 16 to my moms friends house to leave it there so my brothers wouldnt eat it. and the cake weighed like 10 pounds on top of everything. then i did nothing all day until nighttime when rocio came to my house and from there we went to maxis. i had a nice night. i got to blow out the candles which i didnt do the day of my birthday. :( sadness. schools starts march 9th so im bummed. i might switch schools, because senior year in the school im at i have to go in the afternoon. plus i had some trouble in the beginning making friends with my classmates. so i can go to a different school where max, the kid from denmark, goes. other than that, summer is coming to a close. so is my trip here. which im thinking about a lot and i get really sad. and then i start thinking about the future and what im going to do. too many things to think about at once. whew. nothing else has happened. oh and the title of this blog is dedicated to my mom and mariano who couldnt pronounce "sydney" and started calling me "chini" or "chinita" and now everyone calls me chini. so its kinda stuck. i love it, ive never had a nickname like that :) chauu
Friday, February 13, 2009
helloooooooooo, not much new going on here but i felt like letting you guys know whats been going on. today i woke up at 9. went for a walk in the plaza next to rocios house. chatted with her. today we are making the cake for my birthday party tomorrow. theres a lot of planning to do still. tonight i got invited by an acquaintance of mine to help her work at a 15th birthday party in i am supeeeeeeeeer excited because ive always wanted to work there..we´ll be selling soda behind the bar :) so yay me. tomorrow is the party. yesterday i went with maxi in his motorbike to collect the money, only one person paid. hahah. anyways, thats about all for now. i´ll let you guys know how the party went. chau
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Monday, February 9, 2009
happy birthday to muahhh

first of all.......thank you so much to everyone who sent me a card or an email or any birthday wish. thank you so much, it makes me feel like i am at home with all of you, instead of here. it doesnt really feel like my birthday. im sitting in the internet cafe, which is why my blog has been recently abandoned. sorry. anyway, im sitting here, rocio came to my house and we attempted to make a cake, in the end we bought sheets of cake and just decorated it. much easier. last night i went to bed at 11 and was out cold, but mariano woke me up at 12 and gave me a necklace. his friends came by to wish my happy birthday, and then they wanted to drink mate so i dragged myself out of bed to be with them for awhile. then i had a night full of nightmares. and then i woke up, and i thought, today is my birthday. but it feels like any other day. its really sad actually. then i read my moms letter about a trillion times and bawled. i love all of you guys. thank you all so much for supporting me and for loving me so much!!! its hard to be away from the ones you love on your birthday. although there is plenty of love here, its not the same. saturday im having a party at maxis house.....a lot of people are coming. obviously, its the yankee´s birthday. i mean everyone wants to come to the yankee´s birthday party. :) heehee.
i would write something deep and wise but i feel like the last entry pretty much covered what i want to say. i think im going to go home and take a shower now. maybe that will wake me up and make me realize that im SEVENTEEN!!!! its hotter than my kitchen with the oven turned on and no air conditioning,,,,can you imagine?? it sucks. okay, thanks again everyone!!!! love you all...chauu
i would write something deep and wise but i feel like the last entry pretty much covered what i want to say. i think im going to go home and take a shower now. maybe that will wake me up and make me realize that im SEVENTEEN!!!! its hotter than my kitchen with the oven turned on and no air conditioning,,,,can you imagine?? it sucks. okay, thanks again everyone!!!! love you all...chauu
P.S. the pics are from christmas (black dress) and this saturday en el soñado (bar). im with Rocio in both pics and yes, she is 100% argentinean.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Tomorrow is exactly 6 months since i first arrived in Argentina. Wow, so much has happened to me. I have grown up so much. Now that in one week im turning 17 im starting to look back on everything that has been going on. and although some things have made me learn my lesson the hard way, i dont think i regret anything. i am just that much stronger i think. its hard to know exactly who iam no, i cant think about it or write it down. sometimes i feel dumber, but i know i definitely am not. i have learned that people are people, that are capable of love and hate; it doesnt matter the color of your skin or how much money you have. maxi taught me that. i never thought id find someone who wants to protect me with everything they have. he doesnt have money or anything to fall back on, but he is a wonderful person who works very hard. so now on my birthday, im going to look back on everything, and, for one time in my life, im going to celebrate myself. i never realized it before, but i guess i am kind of amazing. the whole world most definitely does not revolve around me, and i am just one body of little importance in this gigantic world. but for once im going to smile and think "yeah, i am great." and laugh at my mistakes and celebrate love and friendship and family and all the people in the world. because the world needs to learn to love one antoher just because we are all the same. i love you sydney.
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