Monday, December 22, 2008

feliz navidad

havent written in a week, i know. my apologies to all you loyal fans. ive been hanging out with rocio a lot.......this saturday for the first time since ive been here i went out with GIRLS ONLY!!! i loved it!! i had so much fun. she even came over to my house and got ready with me before. i always get ready alone and in a hurry because my brothers yell at me if im in the bathroom too long. anyways, im working regularly every morning with my mom in her escribania........dont know the english translation. sorry. i do secretary stuff. i even answer the phone and handle clients!!!!!!!!!! its so fun! i seriously completely totally forgot that wednesday was christmas already. i havent bought anyone any gifts, which it really isnt that common to give gifts here. according to my mom, everyone gets together in someones house to eat like pigs. then after one AM, you start house hopping for toasts....then the young people go out and dance like crazy!! sooo pretty excited for that. however, im going to my moms friends house because my brothers are going with their dad. so im kinda sad im not passing it with my bros....although they do get on my VERY last nerve. then we are going to the ocean for 2 weeks for new tents. :O
hahahahaha i cant WAIT to tell you guys all about if you are wondering at all about my love life im totally crushed out on maxi still, and i have about 5 other guys crushing just as much on makes life very complicated. an argentinean boys heart is easily broken. anyway im so happy i have rocio!! she is super nice and im sorry its just nice to have a GIRL to talk to once in awhile. im also hanging out with the son of my moms friend whos 15. drinking mates...doing nothing,,,,summer life you know??? happy holidays everyone. :)

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