Friday, January 30, 2009


so this whole week rocio has been pretty unavailable. :( today she went to a wedding in a different town so im like totally bummed out. ive seen maxi everday this week, but he works, so to kill my boredom yesterday i actually went out to pelopincho, which hasnt been cleaned for weeks, and i CLEANED the thing. there was dirt and bugs and nasty all in the water, it took two hours to get all of the water out. i burnt my back pretty bad. anyways, after i cleaned the pool i was so happy with myself that i got in it. and stayed there for awhile. and there was this amazing silence because no one was home. i loved it. at 10ish maxi stopped by. he wasnt going to stay very long, but then my brother wanted me to play monopoly and maxi played too!! it was so fun. then he got bored and went home, but he let my brothers drive his moped down the street, so they were happy, i was happy, everyone was happy, yìpee. and now maxi wants to meet his ¨mother in law¨ and ¨sister in law¨ as he says so you guys are gonna have to come and meet him. today we are getting together at rikis house. tomorrow i think im going to take a break from the bf and go out with rocio. i really miss her. you dont really realize how much you depend on one person until they leave you for a whole week! oh well, when she doesnt have so much work to do we´ll get back to our old routine. what else, im getting up early and going for walks everyday. today was take-care-of-all-the-crap-back-home day. so im sitting in the internet cafe. taking care of the crap. okay. im going to eat lunch now. chauuuuuuuuuuuu MOM---> (eyebrow piercing)

Monday, January 26, 2009


this weekend was boring and fun at the same time. rocio was sick this whole weekend with a fever so she couldnt hang out at all. today i saw her. i went to her house and we sat in the plaza next door and talked about life. its funny, we did the exact same thing last monday too. so now we´re making mondays go to the plaza day and talk about life. cute, i know.
friday i didnt go out!! its been a long while since ive stayed at home on a friday night. i went to bed at 11:30. so sad. saturday the most exciting thing happened when i got my new boyfriend! well its not that exciting because its maxi, the guy ive been tailing for four months. here when two people start going out, they officialize it and make it 8 million times more embarrassing by doing a fake wedding. so i had to live through my 10 minute wedding on saturday too. so now its gonna double suck to come home. but its nice to have a boyfriend. its been awhile. yesterday we went to centro together with his best friend and my classmate riki. and now riki calls me his sister in law.. :) today we went for a walk together, old people style. then i saw rocio and all that. anyways, i told my mom (here and there) about maxi. my mom here approves. she says he is a really nice boy and works hard for what he wants (he worked and saved up his money to buy himself a motorcycle). im working on my birthday plans with rocio as well. other than that, school starts in march already-most of the boys i dont think will be able to pass so we´re going to be the majority girls this year.
ive been passing the summer with much pleasure. theres not always something to do or somewhere to go, but you make your own fun with the people you love. laying on the floor drinking mates doing nothing with the fan in your face with your best friend, or your boyfriend, is a lot more meaningful to me than going out. chauu

Thursday, January 22, 2009


i have been busy with lounging at the pool lately so i wasnt able to write. yesterday i spent the entire day with rocio at a friends pool. at 8 in the morning i get up and go walking with her. yesterday i stayed at her house to eat and sleep siesta. then we went to the pool. where maxi threw me in, with my cell phone. :) so im just peachy about that. but he was very nice about it and offered me his cell phone until he could get mine fixed. anyways, today i went to rocios pool. dont think everyone has a big huge pool in the ground, its more like one of those blow up pools that are huge, here they are called pelopincho. but they do the job to cool you off, it is so hot here. right now rocio and i are busy planning my birthday and what we are going to do for a party. here birthdays are huge. rocio never had abirthday party because of her moms religion. sometimes i feel very sorry for her. things at home are alright. ive had to adjust a lot to my brothers who arent very well-mannered. when my mom has to work late i usually have to do the cleaning beause my brothers dont clean and then we have flies and dirtyness and gross. and i almost have a boyfriend. :)

Monday, January 19, 2009

thinking... i was thinking a lot about how ive gotten sooo lazy here. because the culture is more relaxed and less work-driven like the U.S. and i dont really like it anymore because i feel like im going to suffer a lot when i get back, and i also likebeing productive and doing work related things even when i dont have to :) i think that has beenthe hardestadjusement. in the U.S. everyone is all about work work work work work! even the students get pushed to their limits to do well in school and get intocollege and such. and here its the total opposite. and i know im here to enjoy my year but its very hard when you were born and raised to work work work. now i have a genious plan working in my head. after i graduateim going to mx to visit my friend with my best friend. then im coming back here to live with rocio and study here. its genious. and no ones going to tell me no! because im going to make it back here no matter what it takes.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

stories to give my mom a heart you :)

hello trying to get pictures up as fast as possible. i have to go to my dads house to download because he has a mouse....i spent two hours trying to download everything and it didnt save, i´ll try again soon. i did manage to get them up on my myspace if anyone is capable of accessing it. anyway, today is saturday. yesterday i went to el soñado with rocio and then we stayed in the plaza until 7 AM. she cut her hair the way i wanted it and it looks sooo good. she slept over. we got up at 11 AM so i could cut my hair the same way, but the hair stylist wasnt there. so i went back to bed until 4 pm. my mom took mariano fishin in villa cañas, a city nearby. however, he was so tired (he didnt go to sleep last night) that they came home early and he is totally crashed out right now. after dinner, im going to a birthday party with rocio and maxi. and then im going dancing. my birthday is coming up!!! im having trouble deciding what im going to do to celebrate!! hm....what else has been going on here... more about my trip to mar del plata. it was so weird to be in huge city, im so used to a smaller one like venado, where everyone knows me. so it was nice to not have everyone stare at you everywhere you go. what else, i believe i already toldyou i scuba dived......which i will never do again in my life!! no thank you. on top of it here in argentina they SAY that something that is totally and completely dangerous is perfectly safe and they protect you, but really they dont do ANYTHING to make sure you are completely safe. for example, when i went tubing with the little brat gustavo we almost missed the tube, and while we are running to it, the guy is running after us shouting¨"dont wrap the strip around your hand because when you tip over you could hurt yourself!!!" thanks guy. and then theres the fact my life jacket almost came off in the water. oh and they dump you about 10 m from shore and you have to swim back. but dont worry, its completely safe! :)

Thursday, January 15, 2009

back from mar del plata

hello,,,,,,,,,,,im back from mar del was nice to see a different part of argentina and be close to the sea. we ended up staying in an apartment instead of camping so that was nice. my brothers got on my very last nerve towards the end, but otherwise i had a lot of fun. i went to the beach with gustavo a lot. one day he wanted to go tubing behind a jetski in the ocean. and i didnt want to go. so he begged my ¨cousin¨, who also came with us, to go with him. and when she said no he started swearing and threw a huge tantrum so i was like okay whatever i´ll go with you. even though i hate tubes i get so scared. anyway, so we´re going alonga and im all mad and scared and stuff, and we flip over. and gustavo starts saying ¨ouch my head my head i really hurt my head¨ so im like freaking out like hes really he goes up front on the jetski with the guy that drives the thing. so im like okay at least he cant fall over anymore. but then, the little brat turns around, looks at me, winks and starts laughing! he totally faked everyone so he could ride up front. and i was royally ticked off about that. i also went dancing with my cousin, which was so much fun! the dicos in mar del plata are open everyday during the tourist season, so i went on saturday and on monday! it was nice to be ina big city where no one knows you as well. i also went to a seaworld type place and scuba dived! never again in my life thank you....i also went to a water park. and i stayed up all night and then walked to the beach to see the sunrise,,,,,,,really really beautiful. actually i stayed up all night a few times with mariano. there was a little bar in the corner in front of our department and we would go at the 3 in the morning and then again at 6 to buy pastries and stuff for breakfast. so that was fun. i also went with mariano and one of guillermos friends to bar in a street called alem, its famous because its a street of just bars and clubs. so i went with them there. it was really fun. in other news while i was gone the girl from thailand went back to her country......i didnt get to say goodbye to her. it made me think how fast time is going by and it scares me!!! i feel like a whole different person and like i have a new life!!! its so weird. well, thats all for now i think i´ll go to bed, i have a little soon chauu.