Thursday, January 22, 2009


i have been busy with lounging at the pool lately so i wasnt able to write. yesterday i spent the entire day with rocio at a friends pool. at 8 in the morning i get up and go walking with her. yesterday i stayed at her house to eat and sleep siesta. then we went to the pool. where maxi threw me in, with my cell phone. :) so im just peachy about that. but he was very nice about it and offered me his cell phone until he could get mine fixed. anyways, today i went to rocios pool. dont think everyone has a big huge pool in the ground, its more like one of those blow up pools that are huge, here they are called pelopincho. but they do the job to cool you off, it is so hot here. right now rocio and i are busy planning my birthday and what we are going to do for a party. here birthdays are huge. rocio never had abirthday party because of her moms religion. sometimes i feel very sorry for her. things at home are alright. ive had to adjust a lot to my brothers who arent very well-mannered. when my mom has to work late i usually have to do the cleaning beause my brothers dont clean and then we have flies and dirtyness and gross. and i almost have a boyfriend. :)

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