Friday, March 20, 2009

me mata me mata

sorry ive been away for awhile, ive been busy with school. i started tango, i love it! its a lot of fun, especially with maxi. we laugh a lot. school, socially wise, is a lot better. i get along with everyone and the girls too. so its good to finally have girlfriends. tomorrow is one of their birthdays so im going to her party. so im getting invited to places and stuff so thats good. becuase im in a fight with rocio. Because basically she left me alone on saturday with all my money and then texted me an hour later that she wanted to go dancing, and im like NO, im in my house sleeping thanks to you. so i havent talked to her since. what else......not much. school isnt that hard but its TIRING. man, and right now im really nervous because i cant get ahold of maxi and im in an internet cafe and its friday night and i want to go out...hahaha. oh and on tuesday i got into a huge fight with one of my brothers and now he wont talk to me. i dont know. sometimes i want to leave but other times i really dont. very confusing. hope everything is well in the US....nos vemoss chau


Dawn said...

Hey Syd, so nice to see a new blog post from you. Hang in there, girl. It's never fun when you're in a fight with someone and there's bound to be times when you feeling like leaving. But, hang in there, and try to enjoy the rest of your time there. I can't wait for you to give us tango lessons! We were sad that the arranged phone call with you didn't go through. We all love you and think about you all the time!

Aunt Dawn, Olivia & Amelia too!

La Parrita said...

te extraño tantoooooo! tim se fue la semana pasada para japon. estoy sola sin vos y el! he estado en contacto con tu mami y ya hace mucho que escribi a Concordia para dar tu recomendacion. tienes q enseñarme el tango! t.q.m. y cuidate mucho!