Wednesday, March 11, 2009


sucks. i am in school all day. usually from 8 am until 12 then 1:30 until 6:30. so yay. school sucks. and it occupies all of my life. after school i see maxi, and nothing else. oh well. im still happy. anywho, tomorrow i start tango with maxi!!! hahaha luckily i was able to fit that into my schedule. i havent seen rocio since monday. we kind of have conflicting schedules. she works until 10 pm. so i probably wont see her all week. otherwise nothing else has been going on. just school school school!!!! and without reason because these next few months of classes dont do anything for me. but oh well. i have a psychology class that i really like. the problem is now that we are seniors they give us really heavy and detailed subjects, focued on the sciences of course, so its hard for me to understand. i have one subject called ailments. all about food and nutrients and stuff. i have for 4 hours a week!!! ugh. i have another class where we are learning about human rights. stuff like that. very specific. i have another class, labor environments?? not really sure what thats all about, or ecology of urban and rural environments??? WHATEV. im outtie. have to look up information for ailments so we can copy it down monday.

1 comment:

Persian Lady said...

Hey Syd!! Miss you lots! Sounds like you're having a pretty good time with the exception of school of course. Well anyways, please write to me whenever you have a chance. Here's my email: Love you so much!! xoxo