Friday, October 3, 2008 computer broke

sorry i haven´t been able to write, my computer caught a "virus" (it was really probably one of my brothers who doesnt want to take the blame) and now the mouse doesnt work, so i have to go to my dads house if i want to use the computer until the other one gets fixed, which probably wont be for awhile. anyways, this week i´ve had an extremely inflammed throat for four days, i didnt have to go to school tuesday or wednesday though! now i feel better, just in time for the weekend!!! which this week went flying by!!! yesterday "me di una vuelta" with guillermo´s friend. i should explain to you all what dar una vuelta is. WHen i first came here, i realized that if my mom needed to go buy something, my brother always wanted to go with. one time i went with to buy cell phone cards and i realized that my mom purposely missed the turn to our house and kept going. then i realized mariano always asks my mom if we can dar una vuelta.......then i realized what it means! if you have a purpose for going out, you dont just go and come back, you take your leisurely time driving or walking first i was like, what the heck is the point of this? but now i kind of like it. so yesterday i walked around my town with coco for about half an hour. it was really nice. Everything here is much more laid back and relaxed, which i´m starting to really appreciate!! Well thats all i have for now, until next time.

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