Friday, November 14, 2008


im writing this in school, because our computer is broken and never anyways, tonight i am making chocolate alfajores, two cookies with dulce de leche which is like caramel in the middle. they´re called making them because my brothers call guillermo "black" as a nickname. tomorrow my aunts and uncles that i´ve never met before are coming for his birthday! i have two birthdays to go to tomorrow, guillermo´s and agustin´s who is sitting right next to me :) he turned 19 on tuesday but hes in my class. its very common for 18 and 19 year olds to be in classes with 17 years olds, because its very common to repeat two or three years of school as well. yesterday i went to rosario with some AFS kids for a festival of cultures. they have food and sell things from a variety of countries. when i got there, the first stand i saw was one from Iran! i was so excited. me and the girl from thailand ate there and also in paraguay and greece. i got home at 3 in the morning and i had to come to school because today i have a quiz and since its the end of the year im trying to get my grades up so i dont have to come back. on wednesday i spent the whole day after school with nat in centro. she wants a bikini. i bought a dress for guillermo´s "prom", its silvery and sparkley and super cute! i still have to look into tango classes, i need something to do ASAP. well i should go, class is over!! chau

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